Eu Funded Projects

Improvement of Food Safety Control System in Ukraine
Project objective:
- Further development of a transparent, accountable, cost-effective, business-friendly food safety control system in Ukraine
- Harmonisation of the Ukrainian food safety control system with the key requirements established in the EU
- Optimisation of the effectiveness and cost of State controls of the food chain ‘from farm to fork’
- Facilitation of external trade, particularly with the EU in the context of the AA and the DCFTA.
Our role in project;
- Rapid alam sytem for food and animal feed
- RASFF Website
- CMS (Content Management System)

Technical assistance for capacity building to converge the Turkish agricultural system to the European greening agricultural rules and improving the implementation of the EU’s Nitrate Directive.
Project objective:
The purpose of this contract is to provide technical assistance to MoFAL during the convergence of Turkish Agricultural system to the post Common Agriculture Policies (CAP) reform on European greening agricultural rules. The Contractor shall provide services on.
- Determination of specific farms to initiate greening practices and preparation of a road map for agricultural holdings to clarify step-by-step how to apply environmentally friendly farming practices..
- Compilation and submission of techno-economic study reports.
- Design and delivery of training programs to MoFAL about EU policies and practices on greening of agriculture including implementation of Nitrate Directive.
- Preparation of awareness-raising activities for farmers, local/regional officials, extension officers and representatives of research institutes and environmental NGOs.
Our role in project;
- Project Website
- CMS (Content Management System)
- Support implementation of Siti Agri required modules as a software tool for the assessment of farm environmental performance

Technical Assistance for Supporting the Institutional Capacity of the Human Resources Development Operating Structure (HRD OS) and the Operation Beneficiaries, Information and Publicity
Project objective:
The objective of the contract is to assist the Ministry of Labour and Social Security which acts as the Operating Structure for the Human Resources Development (HRD) component of the Instrument for Pre-Accession to implement the HRD Operational Programme. The contractor will help enhance the capacity of the OS and beneficiaries of the HRD OP in fields including but not limited to programming, tendering, contracting, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, quality control and dissemination. The contractor will also assist in implementing the communication action plan of the HRD OP.
Our role in project;
- Project Website
- CMS (Content Management System)
- Software for updating and displaying data for website for approximately 1000 local projects

Technical Assistance for Implementation of Export and Import of Dangerous Chemicals Regulation
Project objective:
The objective of the project is to establish the necessary capacity for effective implementation of EU Regulation no 689/2008/EC (repealed by Regulation No 649/2012/EC) on Export and Import of Dangerous Chemicals in Turkey at national level by identification of Turkish import-export notification procedure, capacity building and public awareness activities.
Within the scope of the contract, the contractor will provide:
- Trainings on Regulation on Export, Import of Dangerous Chemicals and Rotterdam Convention, Prior Information Consent (PIC) Procedure, Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) and Legislative Gap Analysis (LGA);
- Trainings and study visits on application of European Database for Export and Import of Dangerous Chemicals (EDEXIM), implementation of Prior Information Consent (PIC) Procedure in EU, the Regulation and the Rotterdam Convention;
- Establishment of the Turkish national import and export notification procedure by using such analyses as SWOT, RIA and LGA in line with the related practices in EU and the preparation of a draft By-law;
- Workshops and pilot studies to raise public awareness on import and export of dangerous chemicals.
Our role in project;
- Project Website
- CMS (Content Management System)

Improvement of Food Safety Control System in Ukraine
Project objective:
- Further development of a transparent, accountable, cost-effective, business-friendly food safety control system in Ukraine
- Harmonisation of the Ukrainian food safety control system with the key requirements established in the EU
- Optimisation of the effectiveness and cost of State controls of the food chain ‘from farm to fork’
- Facilitation of external trade, particularly with the EU in the context of the AA and the DCFTA.
Our role in project;
- Project Website
- CMS (Content Management System)

Technical Assistance for Capacity Building in Horizontal Sector for the Implementation of the Environmental Liability Directive
Project objective:
The main purpose of the project is to strengthen the institutional, technical and legislative framework for effective implementation of the Environmental Liability Directive and establishment of strong administrative and technical capacity at all levels. To this end, the contractor shall provide the following services:
- The institutional and technical capacity of the Ministry of Environment and Urbanisation and related stakeholders will be defined and strengthened via workshops, seminars, study visits and training
- Draft legislation to harmonise the Environmental Liability Directive with the Turkish legislation will be prepared following the conducting of gap analysis and regulatory impact assessment study.
- Manuals on damage assessment, risk assessment and remediation assessment will be prepared
- Awareness for related groups and decision-makers will be raised via seminars, a study visit, and a website.
Our role in project;
- Project Website
- CMS (Content Management System)

Technical Assistance for Capacity Building for Prevention of Marine Pollution Caused by Ship-Sourced Wastes
Project objective:
The purpose of this contract is to enhance the capacity in Turkey to prevent marine pollution caused by shipsourced wastes in line with the EU Directives on ship-source pollution, port reception facilities for ship-generated waste and cargo residues, and penalties for infringements. Within the scope of this contract, the contractor will provide the following services:
- The relevant national legislation and identification procedures for illegal discharges will be updated.
- A system will be established to prevent potential effects of ships’ ballast sediments and disposal of these sediments to reception facilities, to minimise ship-sourced wastes,
- Awareness-raising programmes for local and central authorities will be conducted
- A comprehensive training programme will be conducted through workshops and study visits
- Waste reception and management infrastructure will be developed.
Our role in project;
- Evaluation and design of national online information system for waste reception from ships..
- Ship Waste, Software for the collection, processing, storage, verifying and validation of ship-source pollution and on the introduction of penalties for infringements
- Building a software to be used to design the capacity and check the adequacy of existing waste reception facility
- Project Website
- CMS (Content Management System)

Technical Assistance for Better Air Quality by Transposing the Large Combustion Plant Directive
Project objective:
The purpose of this contract is to establish the necessary capacity to implement the Large Combustion Plant Directive (2001/80/EC) in Turkey.
- Prepare an inventory of large combustion plants (LCPs) for Turkey, determine their emission values and prepare a comparison table between determined emission values and limit values. Organise a workshop and prepare a website;
- Prepare a regulatory impact assessment report, including social, environmental and economic analyses. Arrange workshops in order to develop coordination and cooperation among stakeholders
- Evaluate the institutional and technical capacity for the implementation of LCP Directive in Turkey. Implement the training programme in Turkey and Member States. Organise dissemination workshops on the implementation of LCP Directive. Organise 2 study tours for 10 beneficiary staff
Our role in project;
- Preparation of emission inventory and database of Large Combustion Plants.
- Preparation of software for emission notifications of Large Combustion Plants.
- Project Website
- CMS (Content Management System)

Technical Assistance for Control of Industrial Volatile Organic Compound Emissions
Project objective:
The purpose of this contract is develop administrative and legal conditions and structures to harmonise and implement the 3 EU Volatile Organic Compound Directives (Storage-94/63/EC, Solvents-99/13/EC, Paints-2004/42/EC) in order to improve environmental quality in Turkey and to reduce or prevent the potential risks to human health and to prevent ground-level ozone pollution. Within the scope of this contract, the consultant will realise activities on the establishment of inventory and evaluation of compliance to the 3 Directives with seminars and site visits and assess implementation costs of 3 Directives
Our role in project;
- Software for the collection, processing, storage, verification and implementation of VOC Directives
- Project Website
- CMS (Content Management System)

Technical Assistance for Strengthening the Capacities of MoT IPA unit and end recipients
Project objective:
The Consultant will provide technical assistance in order to strengthen institutional capacity of the Ministry of Transport- IPA Unit and potential end-recipients through the activities under the transport operational program of the IPA Component III. These activities include but are not limited to the following:
- Deliver a number of multi-annual and specific training sessions and study visits
- Regularly update and maintain main operational documents related to MoT IPA Unit such as manual of procedures, job descriptions, and annual implementation reports
- Çeşitli altyapı projelerine (iş, denetim) yönelik proje hazırlığının desteklenmesi
- Support procurement and monitoring activities
- Support contractual and financial management
- Support evaluation and audit
Our role in project;
- Rejection Rate Calculator for the collection, processing and reporting of Rejections data

Technical Assistance for Strengthening the Capacities of MoEF IPA Centre and End-Recipients
Project objective:
The Consultant will provide technical assistance on capacity building activities including a number of training sessions, seminars, workshops and study visits; assuring full-time consultancy; updating Manual of procedures; supporting the project preparation and procurement activities in order to strengthen capacities of MoEF IPA Center and end-recipients. The Consultant will be responsible for organizing trainings focused on audit of IPA funded projects, development of Manual of procedures, audit methodology, audit plans and risk assessment approach methodology; and performing audits for Internal Audit Department.
Our role in project;
- Management Information System Software
- Project Website
- CMS (Content Management System)